Turn 1, CGI Hatten in Flames

A pre-bombardment hits the area around Saint-Michel breaking a pair of US squads. Minutes after the Germans advance "en masse" along the whole eastern border of the village. My US troops are defending a few blocks into the village and have avoided the cemetary completly. That means there is little action in the first turn except some sporadic mortar attacks on the cemetary as the Germans quickly takes possession of it. The strongest German assault takes place along the northern edge where infantry and large amounts of AFVs penetrates deep. (left is north, right is south)

Below a picture on the NE approach on Temple Neuf and Saint-Michel area. 
Below the SE area with the Cemetary and Gare de Hatten.

Turn 2

Well into Hatten proper the German advance is more catious except in the north (left). Thats where the German "Schwerpunkt" is for the moment and its also where I am weakest. Infantry, tanks and SdKfz push west quickly. The only (visible) defense in the area is a concealed M18 that gets stunned by a sniper before it can do anything and have to pull back west into cover of the buildings around "The Fort". However, a M18 is also HIP in the wooden building of D18. Cool as ice they hold their fire as both a SdKpz and PzIV swoops by. Moments later both a StuG and another PzIV drives up infront and stops.In US defensive fire they have zeroed in on its targets. First round turns the StuG into a burning wreck while another round of intensive fire penetrates the front armor of the PzIV killing the crew in the process. The PzIV just west swing its turret to try and hit the M18 but all in vain. In other areas there is but sporadic ineffective mortar fire and a 81mm OBA hit on the cemetary that manage to break but 1 german Squad.

Below end of German T2. Observe D17 area.

In US part of Turn 2 the 81mm OBA attack at the cemetary, now zeroed in on targets breaks another german squad but more importantly it manage to immobilize a StuG behind a wall with a lucky hit. The Icemen in the M18, now covered in the smoke from the burning StuG pulls out of the building, drives down south along the road towards "The Fort" and escapes.

Turn 3

In turn 3 the Germans keep advancing. US reinforcements that entered western edge on turn 1 turn  start to show up. A German 100mm OBA catches several US squads in the open breaking many. The Synagogue is lost and Saint-Michel Church is about to be encircled. A US HS with a leader is engaged in CC by 2 German Squads but manage to hold their ground. For now. A German SdKfz gets hit by US machinegun fire turning it into a wreck. Crew escapes.

Below a picute of the situation at the end of German Turn 3.

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